Tuesday, 29 October 2013

from her tongue to god's ears.

There are shrines erected in her name; her face plastered on every piece of plastic shit that can be sold.

I see her everywhere. Born of a one-hit-wonder, she has somehow managed to shove herself into every face of the American public.

She is the rotten apple my mother refuses to throw away. "It's still good," she says, "Look it is only a tiny bit brown," and just as my mother thrusts this wrinkled, brown-spotted, (unknown liquid) oozing, undeniably rotten apple into my face, so Hannah Montana is left to sit and rot before the eyes of every person who does not scream her name.

I can understand a tweenager infatuation with a pop star. I mean we all went through that phase, right? We all bought "...Baby One More Time" and bobbed our heads to the repetitive hits of Britney, Christina, or whoever else was on the radio. But I fear that the MIley Cyrus phase might be more than... well, a phase.

I mean others have been popular, yes, but I can't remember spotting their face in every corner of the Wal-Mart. She's only a kid after all, is it really necessary for her to be worshiped in this manner?

It just seems as though she is a bit more obsessed over than is healthy... I mean .... I'm writing about her right now. Is there no escape?

Something about it just feels wrong. But all things have their season... So even Hannah Montana will eventually be put to rest. At least I hope she will... Or like an apple about to rot, she will be left in the fruit bowl for a little too long.

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